Medical Homeopathy
HomeopathyIt is a word that comes from the Greek (homoios = similar; pathos = disease).
Homeopathy is themedicine basedmainly in thelaw of similarity, which states that a substance is only capable of curing in the sick those symptoms that it is capable of producing in the healthy man. This therapeutic method was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician from the early 19th century.
The fundamental principles of homeopathy are: la law of similarity, la pure experimentation, las infinitesimal doses, la vital force y the individualization.
At Neuronda we offer individualized homeopathic care for each patient and alternative medical advice.
Homeopathic treatment is indicated fortreat and prevent:
- Stimulates the body's healing capacity to restore and maintain health
- Acute and chronic illnesses, physical and mental, in children and adults
- Diseases or disorders in pregnant women, athletes and students
- Disorders of childbirth, lactation and the baby